by Jeff Baitinger | Jan 21, 2016 | Jeep News
JEEP clUB STArTS 'NUrSE cONVOy' FOr UPcOMING STOrM As we know, Jeeps are amazing all-terrain vehicles, and can handle any weather Mother Nature throws at us. Well the upcoming winter storm Jonas is expected to make a major impact on the East Coast this weekend, and...
by Jeff Baitinger | Jan 6, 2016 | Jeep News
cHAMPION DrIVEr USES JEEP TO rEScUE FlOODED cArS A champion off-road race car driver helped rescue people stranded in surging floodwaters wrought by the first in a series of El Niño-driven storms pummeling the Pacific Coast. Watch the video, and read more about it, at...